ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, February, 2020 
Welcome to the ISCP newsletter and update. In this issue we include details about the Health and Wellbeing at Work conference, announce the date for the 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020 London event, a national conference in Cork, Ireland, and a climate change in coaching and coaching psychology survey. We also include some very sad news about Professor Anthony (Tony) Grant who passed away recently.
10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020 London The 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020 to be held in London sponsored by the ISCP will be held on 8-9th October, 2020. On the 8th we will be holding a masterclass and on the 9th October we will hold the main congress. Watch this space for more information.
CPD event: Health and Wellbeing at Work 10-11 March, 2020, NEC Birmingham, England. Conference Stream: Coaching and Coaching Psychology, 10th March The ISCP is a conference partner for this annual event. This is an ISCP Study Day. Stream Chair: Professor Stephen Palmer PhD, President & Fellow, International Society for Coaching Psychology
8.00 Registration 9.20 Welcome to the Coaching and Coaching Psychology Conference Stream. Prof Stephen Palmer 9.25 Insights from a Place-Based Approach to Implementing Health Coaching. Dr Alison Carter, Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies. Insights from a Place-Based Approach to Implementing Health Coaching 10.00 Coaching Psychology to Reduce Loneliness. Dr Gisele Dias, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Greenwich 10.30 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres 11.15 Feeling Like a Fraud: Coaching to Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Dr Rachael Skews, Lecturer in Occupational Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London 11.45 Tackling Psychological Barriers at Work Through Coaching Psychology. Dr Siobhain O’Riordan, Chartered Psychologist and Chair, International Society for Coaching Psychology 12.15 Coaching as a Route to Resilience. Dr Carmelina Lawton Smith, Associate Lecturer, Oxford Brookes University and Wendy Wilson, Associate, Oxford Brookes University Business School and Independent Executive Coaching and Professional Development Specialist 12.45 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres 2.15 Building the Adaptable Team in a Modern Organisation. David Webster, Managing Director, Centre for Teams 2.45 Using Coaching in Conflict Resolution – Best Practice. Yannick Jacob, Existential Coach, Positive Psychologist, Trainer, Supervisor and Change Agent 3.15 Exhibition and Workshop Theatres 3.50 Maternity Coaching. Sheila Panchal, Business Psychologist, Panchal Consultancy Services 4.20 Can Coaching Assist in Tackling Climate Change Worries and Ecoanxiety? Professor Stephen Palmer, President, International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) and President, International Stress Management Association (ISMA) 5.00 Conference Ends Further information and booking details: Health and Wellbeing at Work Conference
Vale Professor Anthony Grant 28 May 1954 – 3 Feb 2020

It is with great sadness we report that Professor Anthony (Tony) Grant passed away at 1.30pm on 3rd February, 2020. His family were by his side. Tony was a pioneering coaching psychologist and researcher who was instrumental in the development of evidence based coaching. In 2000 he launched the world’s first Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney, Australia. With his numerous publications, his outstanding research did not go unnoticed. He received awards from the British Psychological Society, Harvard University, and more recently, in 2016 from the Australian Psychological Society. In addition to being Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit, Tony held a number of external roles including Visiting Professor at Oxford Brookes University. He was also an Honorary Research Fellow on the Advisory Board of the ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research. In 2019 at the University of Sydney in recognition of his exceptional contribution, Tony became a full professor and then Emeritus Professor in January, 2020. Although many coaches and coaching psychologists may remember Tony for his insightful and inspirational lectures, conference papers and masterclasses, he will be remembered with great fondness by his colleagues and students for his wonderful sense of humour. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, colleagues and students. Stephen Palmer

ISCP Survey: Tackling Climate Change Issues Raised Within Coaching & Coaching Psychology Practice. In recent years there has been a steady increase in people reporting that they are concerned, anxious and/or depressed about climate change and its impact upon the planet and biodiversity. Therefore it is likely that coaches and coaching psychologists in their practice will have coachees who may be experiencing stress-related symptoms triggered by what has become known as the ‘Climate Change Crisis’. This ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research pilot study focuses on ascertaining how often coachees are raising their concerns about climate change and if these are issues they wish to address within coaching. The survey also asks questions relating to practice, training and supervision. The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete depending upon whether or not additional comments are made. The research has been approved by the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP). Individual responses will remain confidential and all material published, including any quotes, will be anonymised. Link to survey: Professor Stephen Palmer PhD, ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research
Upcoming ISCP Learning Event: 1st National Coaching Psychology / Coaching Conference, University College, Cork, 21-22 May, 2020
10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2020, London The ISCP will be holding the 10th International Congress of Coaching Psychology in London on 8-9 October, 2020. There will be a masterclass on the 8th and conference streams and mini-skills workshops on the 9th October. The congress will commemorate Professor Anthony Grant and his outstanding contribution to the development of coaching psychology. Poster submissions are invited. Watch this space for further details.
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
The International Society for Coaching Psychology sponsors the peer reviewed publication, European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology (EJAPP). The EJAPP is abstracted and/or listed in a number of databases including the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). The ERIH PLUS was created and developed by European researchers under the coordination of the Standing Committee for the Humanities (SCH) of the European Science Foundation (ESF). The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology is on the ERIH PLUS list. The co-editors are Dr Ilona Boniwell PhD, l’Ecole Centrale Paris, France, Prof Stephen Palmer PhD, Wales Academy for Professional practice and Applied Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Wales and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD, ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research, UK. They seek articles with a focus on theory, research and practice of positive psychology. There is a particular focus on applied positive psychology. In addition to research articles, papers can include brief reports, techniques, interventions, strategies, book reviews and conference reports. Visit the EJAPP website for more information.
The ISCP International Centre for Coaching Psychology Research team look forward to seeing ISCP members, speakers and delegates at the Health and Wellbeing at Work in March.