ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, September, 2019
Welcome to the ISCP newsletter and update. In this issue we keep you up-to-date with forthcoming congress events in Aalborg, Denmark and London, UK, publications and news.
Aalborg Congress: 13th September, 2019
9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2019, Aalborg, Denmark.
Congress Theme: Tackling Challenges in Coaching and Coaching psychology
How we tackle challenges in coaching and coaching psychology will be explored throughout the day by leading researchers and practitioners with a multi-faceted and complex perspective on the overall theme of the conference. Keynote speakers include Dr. Suzy Green, Sydney University and Founder & CEO of The Positivity Institute, Australia; Professor Dr. Siegfried Greif, Head of Change Management and Coaching from Institute of Business Psychology, Research and Counseling, University of Osnabrueck, Germany; Professor Allan Holmgren, DISPUK Institute, Snekkersten, Denmark; and Professor Stephen Palmer, Adjunct Professor of Coaching Psychology, Aalborg University and Professor of Practice at the Wales Academy for Professional Practice and Applied Research, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
9.00 Welcome to the conference by Director of Coaching Psychology Unit, Senior researcher Ole Michael Spaten, PhD
9.15 Keynote: Meaning Based Coaching. With constant change becoming the norm for individuals, teams and organisations, there is an increasing interest in and focus on values and meaning in evidence-based coaching, by Dr. Suzy Green, Sydney University and The Positivity Institute, Australia
10.15 Coffee, tea
10.45 Keynote: Narrative Coaching as Speech Training and Discursive Conquering. This paper will present AH’s latest ideas concerning coaching, language, moral, narratives and discourses, by Professor Allan Holmgren, DISPUK Institute, Snekkersten, Denmark
11.45 Lunch
12.45 Keynote: Research and practice on how to bridge the Intention-Action-Gap. Application of scientific findings for a rigorous implementation of behavioral changes, by Professor Siegfried Greif, Osnabrück University, Germany
13.45 Coffee, tea
14.15 Keynote: Mental health issues within a coaching and coaching psychology context: Implications for practice, training and supervision. In recent years, there has been a worsening of mental health among the Danish and British populations, by Professor Stephen Palmer, University of Wales Trinity St David.
15.15 Reception – snacks, wine and soft drinks
For full details please visit the congress website.
9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, London, 10-11 October, 2019

Theme: Positive and Coaching Psychology: Wellbeing, Sustainability and Achieving Balance
Date: 10-11 October, 2019;
Venue: NCVO, London
This Two-Day Conference offers Masterclasses, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Skills-based Sessions and Poster Presentations. The event will focus upon the practice and research of Positive and Coaching Psychology exploring themes.
The event includes Parallel Day One Masterclasses by Dr Nancy Doyle and Dr Rachael Skews and two keynotes on Day 2 with Prof Almuth Mcdowall and Dr Ceri Sims.
Our current speaker line up includes Marcela Almeida Alves (Portugal), Dr Zelda Di Blasi (Eire), Hugh O’Donovan (Eire), Dr Gisele Dias (UK), Dr Alanna O’Broin (UK), Dr Siobhain O’Riordan (UK), Prof Stephen Palmer (UK), Dr Ole Michael Spaten (DK), Joanna Sułkowska (Poland). The conference will be a superb opportunity to extend your professional horizon and network with colleagues. Registration and further information about the event will be available soon on our website.
Congress themes include Neurodiversity, Acceptance and Commitment, Performance and Resilience, Ecopsychology, The Coaching Alliance, Work/life Balance, Mental Health, Community-based practice, Supervision, Sustainability and Resourcing.
Parallel Day One Masterclasses by Dr Nancy Doyle and Dr Rachael Skews. The provisional Day One Conference Timetable is available here.
Day Two Conference Speakers & Presenters including Keynotes by Prof Almuth Mcdowall and Dr Ceri Sims. The provisional Day Two Conference timetable is available here.
Information for Poster Presenters can be downloaded from here: Poster Abstract Submission Form
Click here for our latest Conference Flyer.
News: Special Interest Group in Coaching Psychology, Psychological Society of Ireland
Psychological Society of Ireland has now launched the Special Interest Group in Coaching Psychology. The Special Interest Group was originally a sub-group of the Division of Work and Organisational Psychology. The primary aim of the Special Interest Group in Coaching Psychology is to act as the representative voice for psychological coaching theory and practice in Ireland. Visit their website for further information.
Coaching Psychology International
The next issue of Coaching Psychology International is due out in time for the ISCP Congress in October. ISCP Members will be notified when it will be online. London Congress delegates will be able to obtain a print version of the journal.
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology is a peer reviewed journal sponsored by the International Society for Coaching Psychology. The Co-editors are Dr Ilona Boniwell, Prof Stephen Palmer and Dr Siobhain O’Riordan and they are inviting potential article reviewers to contact them about the role. Expertise in some aspect of coaching and positive psychology is necessary. Please attach a short CV or biography to your email. Email the Co-editors at:
We look forward to meeting members at the congress events.
Please share our newsletter with colleagues.
Best wishes from The ISCP Team