CPI Special Issue: Ecopsychology Informed Coaching Psychology, 2019

Coaching Psychology International: Special Issue on Ecopsychology informed coaching psychology
Edited by Siobhain O’Riordan & Stephen Palmer

Citation: O’Riordan, S., & Palmer, S. (2019) (Eds). Special Issue on Ecopsychology informed coaching psychology. Coaching Psychology International, 12, 1, 7-39.

This is the first time that a Special Section has been offered within Coaching Psychology International. Given the growing interest in Ecopsychology informed coaching psychology, we are pleased to provide a collection of papers offering both research and practice based insights on this topic.

For this Special Section, contributions offered provide a focus on the role of nature in our work and examine themes such as Walk and talk coaching and coachee wellbeing, Climate change and working with ecoanxiety and ecodepression, closing with a viewpoint article telling us about work with female survivors of domestic abuse.

If you are interested in finding our more about the themes explored by these authors, they will be presenting and talking about aspects of their work at the 9th International Congress of Coaching Psychology in London this October (2019).


Special section: Ecopsychology informed coaching psychology:

8 Beyond the Coaching Room into Blue Space: Ecopsychology informed coaching psychology practice
14 Coaching for Blue and Green Exercise: An eco-psychology perspective
19 Reflections on walking for enhancing creativity and wellbeing: a way forward for coaching and coaching psychology practice
25 Climate change, Ecoanxiety and Ecodepression: How positive and coaching psychology can assist coachees in addressing these issues
33 From languishing to flourishing: The use of an integrative coaching psychology model and ecopsychology with female survivors of domestic abuse