ISCP Coaching Psychology Newsletter, September, 2018 
Welcome to the September issue of the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) Coaching Psychology Newsletter. In this newsletter we include details about the two 8th International Congress of Coaching Psychology (ICCP) events in 2018 being held in Aalborg, Denmark, and London, UK. We also include links to publications and articles.
8th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2018, Aalborg, Denmark. 14 September
Theme: Profession: Resilience, Mentalisation and other Perspectives on the Self – Organisation, System, Person
Profession, resilience, mentalisation and perspectives on multiple selves will be explored and produced by leading researchers and practitioners with a multifaceted and complex perspective on the overall theme of the conference.
Participation is free, but registration required. Information:
8th International Congress of Coaching Psychology, 2018, London, UK. 11-12 October.
Theme: Positive and Coaching Psychology: Enhancing Resilience, Performance and Health
This Two-Day Conference offers Masterclasses, Keynote and Invited Speakers, Skills-based Sessions and Poster Presentations. The event will focus upon the practice and research of Positive and Coaching Psychology.
Day One Masterclasses:
Acceptance and Commitment Coaching – Dr Rachael Skews
Appreciative Coaching as a Positive & Coaching Psychologist – Dr Ceri Sims
Day Two Conference Speakers & Presenters:
Keynotes by Nancy Doyle & Dr Diana Aguiar Vieira
Speakers include: Dr Kimberly Allen (USA), Dr Zelda Di Blasi (IRL), Dr Yi-Ling Lai (UK), Dr Ho Law (CHN, LK, UK), Dr Siobhain O’Riordan (UK), Prof Stephen Palmer (UK), Dr Ole Michael Spaten (DK), Dr Annette Fillery-Travis (UK), Dr Alison Whybrow (UK).
Booking Information:
ISCP Journal: Coaching Psychology International
New issue available in October 2018. Watch this space! Current issue:
European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, sponsored by the ISCP
Latest article:
Parker, P., Banbury, S., & Chandler, C. (2018). ‘The utility of measuring flourishing in substance and alcohol use disorders research: a systematic review’, European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2, 5, 1-13. Retrieved from:
We thank members and friends for your continued support of the ISCP. We look forward to meeting members at the congress events.
From the International Society for Coaching Psychology team.
ISCP website: